So you have installed a lift kit on your car to raise it a few inches. But, do you know what to do after installing a lift kit? Well, that’s why we are here to help you out.
For instance, the first thing you should do after installing a lift kit on your car is to get an alignment from an automobile mechanic. Yes, you need it because installing a lift kit can really mess up the former alignment that your car had.
Now, mind you, this is not the only thing that you have to do after installing a lift kit. So, to give you a bit of a detailed idea on this, we have elaborated below.
Therefore, go ahead and give a brief read of this post.
Things You Need To Do After Installing A Lift Kit In Your Car
Once you install a lift kit in your car, your car is going to be a little higher from the ground compared to before. As a result, all the components of your car such as the brakes, suspensions, shockers, tires, axles, etc. will work differently.
Which is why you will need to do a wide range of tune-ups after installing a lift kit in your car. Therefore, we have mentioned for you the major tune-ups that you’ll need to do:
1. Getting an alignment:

As we have already mentioned, getting an alignment is the first thing you should do after installing a lift kit. More specifically, you will need to synchronize the caster, camber, and toe of your car after installing the lift kit to your vehicle.
For your information, the term “toe” means whether your car wheels are parallel to each other or not. And, the term “camber” denotes whether your tires are evenly touching the ground occupying the full surface area.
Lastly, “caster” means whether the front wheels and the back wheels of your car are aligned to be equally high or not.
Now, if your car is not synchronized and aligned properly (meaning that the wheels are toed in or toed out, or the wheels are cambered out), your tires will suffer more friction from the road. Consequently, your tires will wear out very quickly.
So, in order to prevent this problem, you will need to get a proper alignment and readjustment from a professional mechanic after installing a lift kit to your vehicle.
2. Readjusting the gear ratios:

After getting a lift kit installed, your car will need larger tires to run. Due to that, the existing gear ratios that your manufacturer has provided in your car will not be compatible with the new large tires.
That’s why you will need to readjust the gear ratios of your car after getting a lift kit installed. To be more specific, your gear ratios will have to be readjusted according to the new height of your new tires.
Now, you need to understand that this is not something you should do yourself (unless you are a professional mechanic). So, go ahead and see a professional car mechanic for this.
3. Installing stronger brakes:

Since you will be running on larger tires after installing a lift kit, you’ll need to install new brakes to have better control over your vehicle. It’s because the factory brakes provided by your manufacturer will not be able to stop the momentum of the larger tires when you will need to.
And, if you do use your existing brakes for your new tires, the brakes will wear down and need maintenance very quickly. Therefore, it’s wise for you to install new brakes after you installed a new lift kit to your car.
Note: New brakes should be larger and stronger than the former ones.
4. Getting stronger suspensions:

After you install a lift kit in your car, your car will have to carry more weight because you have to run on larger tires. That’s why you need to install stronger suspensions on your vehicle as well.
If you don’t install new and stronger suspension systems in your vehicle, your vehicle might not give you a pleasant experience when you ride it on a bumpy road.
For this reason, it’s the best recommendation that you get new suspensions installed in your car right after installing the lift kit.
5. Readjusting the drivetrain:
Once you change your suspension in your car, your drive train will also need to be readjusted. It’s because, after installing new suspensions, your drivetrain will not be at the same level as your new suspensions, which is not right.
Hence, you will need to tell your mechanic to readjust the drivetrain of your vehicle so that it is at the same level as the axles, lockers, differential covers, gears, etc.
6. Opting for longer shock absorbers:

Installing a lift kit in your car will make it more lifted from the ground. As a result, the bumps and the impacts on the road will be more pronounced after you have installed a lift kit on your car.
To prevent any problems arising due to that, you’ll need to install longer shock absorbers in your car.
If you install stronger and longer truck absorbers after installing a lift kit, you will not feel any difference in the driving experience whether you drive off road or on road. That means that you will be able to enjoy a comfortable ride just like before installing a lift kit.
7. Familiarize with the new handling of your car:
Mind you, after installing a lift kit in your car, your car will handle itself differently and its performance will also be different from before.
But why? It’s because lifting the car changes the center of gravity of the car to a higher position. Due to this, your car will have more chances of tripping or flipping over in the event of an accident.
This is why it can be dangerous for you to start driving right away after you have installed a lift kit in your car.
Rather, it’s wise to first get familiar with the new handle and performance of your car. After that, you can start riding on the road slowly and surely when you are confident that you are ready to drive the lifted car on a public roadway.
8. Adjust your running board:

The running board of your vehicle is extremely important for comfortably getting in and out of the vehicle (especially if your vehicle is very high from the ground).
That’s why after installing a lift kit, you must readjust your running board. Although it might not seem important to readjust the running board, you should know it’s not really negligible.
If you don’t install a new running board that is compatible with the new height of your car, you’ll have trouble getting into the driving wheel when you are in a hurry. As a result, there’s a chance of injury.
Moreover, if your family members including children ride in your vehicle, it’s extremely important that you readjust your running board. Because children and elderly people are extremely susceptible to accidents if the running board of your vehicle is not appropriately adjusted to its height from the ground.
9. Checking if your warranty still applies:
In case your vehicle comes with a service warranty facility, you will need to check if the warranty still applies after you installed a lift kit to your vehicle.
While some car manufacturers provide service warranty to their vehicles even after installing a lift kit, some manufacturers do not.
That’s why you need to contact your car manufacturer to ensure if your service warranty is still applicable or not. If it isn’t applicable anymore, you should contact a professional automobile mechanic for future tune-ups.
10. Checking the local motor vehicle laws:

In the United States, some states allow adding a lift kit to heighten your vehicle above 6 inches, and some of the states do not allow this.
Therefore, you should check your public road laws to ensure if your lift kit installation is indeed legal in your locality or not.
After that, you can do readjustments to your vehicle according to the road safety laws of your locality.
Are There Legal Considerations When Installing a Lift Kit?
Yes, there are some legal considerations when installing a lift kit. The reason behind the legal considerations is the risk involved after installing the kit. The rules and obligations when installing a lift kit are based on the area where you live.
Depending on the area you live in, the numbers or legal considerations can vary. Therefore, it is essential to be well aware of the local laws related to installing the lift kit on your vehicle. Here, we present the laws for installing a lift kit based on some states.
There are still no certain obligations regarding installing a lift kit in Alabama. However, you have to make sure your vehicle is in excellent condition before installing the lifting kit. Other than that, you will be stopped on roads by the cops.
California usually has strict legal obligations for drivers and vehicles. And so, in the case of installing the lift kit, there is no exception. It is vital to make sure the body lifts and the frame height is at most 5 inches. If you go beyond this range, you will face penalties.
New Jersey
Similar to Alabama, there is no specific legal consideration except for some basic ones in New Jersey. Moreover, it is essential to consider that all vehicle components are in good condition so they can adapt when the lift kit is installed.
You can’t go beyond the maximum lifting height of 22 inches when installing the life kit in Ohio. This range is for medium-sized cars and SUVs. But in the case of vehicles over 4500 GVWR, it is possible to increase the height a few inches.
Almost in all states, there are considerations regarding vehicle fitness and suitable bumper height when installing lift kits.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What problems will I face after installing a lift kit?
As we have mentioned above, installing a lift kit in your car will raise the center of gravity of your car higher. This, in turn, will affect the stability of your car. Namely, your car will be more susceptible to swaying and accidental flipping. So, you will have to be more careful while driving your lifted vehicle.
2. Will installing a lift kit affect my steering performance?
A car steering will have a slow reaction when the vehicle is equipped with a lift kit. It’s because a lift kit installation will also require the installation of larger tires. That, in turn, will overburden your wheels. So, they will not be as responsive as before after installing a lift kit.
Well, that’s all there’s to it, people. Now that you’ve got a skinny on what to do after installing a lift kit.
The final message of this discussion is that your car will need an overall readjustment and resynchronization after a lift kit installation. Otherwise, your vehicle will be more susceptible to the bumps and pits of the road.
Thank you so much for dropping in today, you guys are the bee’s knees!!!